Handy Tips
Spring checklist
- Clean furnace filter and humidifier
- Check attic for roof leaks and signs of mold
- Examine brickwork for bulging or loose bricks
- Inspect exterior of house, driveways and walks for
cracks and ice damage
- Check caulking around exterior of windows for air,
water leaks and mold
- Clean & repair gutters
- Inspect basement or crawl spaces for moisture, water
damage or mold
- Check roof for loose or cracked shingles
Scratched Appliance
For shallow scratches on a copper-tone refrigerator, buy
a small bottle of automobile touch-up paint in a matching
metallic color and follow application directions.
Mould & mildew stains around bathtub
To remove the mould that grows in the caulking around
the bathtub, treat the area with a strong solution of chlorine
bleach (2 oz. bleach to a cup of water). Use the bleach
solution to remove any black mildew stains from the tile
grout too. Apply with a stiff brush.

Removing chewing gum stuck in carpet
After hardening the gum with an ice cube, crush it with
pliers and rub it out of the fabric. If any stains remain
clean them with rubbing alcohol or a similar cleaning fluid.
Sparkling bathroom tiles
The build up of soap and minerals on ceramic tiles is
usually due to a deposit of lime from hard water. This
can be dissolved with vinegar and some good old elbow grease.
Keeping the heat in and the cold out
Drafts coming through the duplex outlets & switches
located on outside walls is a common problem. Check your
local hardware store for special foam plastic gaskets that
fit under the face plates of outlets & switches. Unscrew
the faceplate, install the gaskets and reinstall the faceplate.
One quick and easy way to conserve heat in your home.